An attempt to categorize the many things I’m learning or am interested in exploring.
???? Thinking Deeply About Church
Church Revitalization and Growth
Working with my father to co-pastor our local church. The church membership has declined in recent years but we see a bright future ahead. Sharing insights and thoughts from this process as we go.
Fresh Expressions of Church
Does church have to look the way it does now? Do our gatherings have to be the way they are now? Sometimes we get stuck in a rut—doing things the way they’ve always been done. What if we started over from scratch? Searching for better ways to be the church: staying 100% faithful to the Bible while shedding the layers of culture and tradition. Bearing in mind that new ways aren’t automatically better—and old ways aren’t automatically more sacred.
Healthy Small Churches
Most churches in the world are relatively small. My home church is small, too. I want to learn how to help small churches grow and be healthy. Honing in on the unique needs (as well as benefits) of smaller churches.
Global Church and Missions
While the western church is struggling, the global church is exploding. At the same time, the western church is more affluent. We can learn from each other and support each other. We’re different limbs of the global body of Christ—and we need each other.
? Rethinking Evangelism
Evangelism Methods and Tools
Looking at current models of sharing the good news and their strengths/weaknesses. Searching for new and better ways to express the unchanging truth of the gospel.
Sometimes even the phrases we use to describe the good news sound tired. Overusing certain phrases means that their impact is lost. Searching for fresh ways to tell the best news ever to reach planet earth.
Design the Gospel
Looking at visual portrayals of the good news. Sadly, many are not appealing. Searching for well-designed tellings of the beautiful gospel.
? Leadership
Becoming Better Leaders
Nearly everything hinges on people. God has chosen to work through humans to accomplish his mission. He calls all of us to play a role. For some of us, part of our role is leading others. For those of us with that calling, the more we can develop ourselves as high-quality leaders of people, the better we can fulfill our calling.
For me, becoming a better leader is fun and I recognize that it’s an important part of fulfilling the role God has called me to.
? Inspiration
Personal Evangelism Stories
Ultimately, it’s the role of every believer to tell the good news to the people around them. I want to celebrate those who are doing this, share their stories, learn from them, and be inspired by them. (My father’s blog has a lot of these stories!)