It’s easy to keep doing the same things by default. If you want to rethink church and think deeply about what makes the church the church, take a look at this training!

Last year, my wife and I went through a Church Intensive Labs Training, put on by Francis Chan’s organization called Crazy Love.
It all started with Chan’s book Letters to the Church. I found the book resonated with me deeply, challenged some of my assumptions about church, and confirmed a lot of the things that I believe about the best ways to “do church.” (I don’t like that phrase “do church,” by the way, but sometimes it fits.)
The Church Intensive Labs is a course where you work through the concepts of church and try to distill what the core of being a church means. Our cohort was taught by Sean and Rob, two elders of the house church network started by Francis Chan and others. The house church network is called We Are Church.
There is an online option, as well as in-person options in San Fransisco and other cities around the country.
I highly recommend this training, if you fall into one of these two categories:
- You have considered planting a house church (or are a part of a house church already).
- You are a part of a “typical” church but want to think deeply about the best ways to do church.
Here are some things I liked about the course:
- The focus is on principles, not on models. They say very clearly that their model (small house churches) is just one way to do things, not necessarily the best or the only way.
- It’s designed for people who want to get back to the basics – when you unpeel layers of tradition and culture, what is church, really?
- The leaders are very down to earth and authentic. It’s instantly clear that the course is being led by people who have a lot of experience with this topic.
- It’s fun.
- You do it with a cohort so there’s camaraderie.
- I learned a lot and it challenged me in some really good ways.
I think I might see if we can bring this training to our area in the future. Was really beneficial to me and I recommend it for any church leader.
Let me know if you would be interested in attending a training like this!
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