I’m compiling here a list of evangelism resources. These are set up as courses that you could go through with an outreach-oriented small group, or maybe just with a friend. They are designed to introduce Jesus and help people explore Christianity in a non-threatening way.
Please note that I haven’t fully evaluated each of these personally. This is just meant to be a list of options that I have found. Before using one of these you’ll want to evaluate it carefully to make sure it aligns with your own understanding of the gospel.

Alpha is an 11-week video-based course that introduces and explores the Christian faith. Translated into over 100 languages.
Christianity Explained

Not a plug-and-play course, rather, Christianity Explained is a training manual that gives you a framework to use for teaching a six-session class on the fundamentals of Christianity. Based on the Gospel of Mark.
Christianity Explored

A seven-session video course designed to introduce unbelievers to Jesus through the Gospel of Mark. Translated into over 50 languages.

321 Course
Inspired by Jesus’ vision of reality, 321 is designed to help you think about God, the world and yourself through immersive videos and thoughtful illustrations.

Discovering Jesus
Who is Jesus? Adventure author and historian Chris Sinkinson seeks to answer this question in six short episodes.
Introducing God

This eight-session course is another video series designed for skeptics and non-believers to explore the Christian faith in a non-threatening way.