Experimenting and exploring how to get better at helping people find their way to God.

Learn along with me, Ethan. I’m a part-time pastor and full-time mistake-maker who just isn’t satisfied with doing things “the way we’ve always done them.”
God is the one who changes hearts. God is the one who draws people to Himself. But he tasks us with the job of sowing seeds and having important conversations with people.
We need to be innovative in how we do this (while respecting those who are more traditional).
Let’s faithfully and fearlessly improve on how we fulfill the greatest task ever given to man.
A brief introduction to the podcast
You should be able to find the podcast (soon) on all major platforms.
All Episodes
New episodes will show up in this player right here as they are published.
Whom should I interview?
Do you have an idea for a guest to be on the show? Or perhaps even yourself? I’m interested in talking with open-minded people about how we can get better at evangelism, in both church settings and personal witnessing.
If you want to be on the show or have an idea for someone I should talk with, please contact me here. I can’t promise I’ll use your suggestion but I’m very open to ideas.