A lot of talk about fairness these days. It seems like the standard that everyone is reaching for is summed up in that one word: fair. It’s worth remembering that for Christians, fairness is not the standard. The standard is self-sacrificial love.
Christians are not supposed to aim for fairness.
The world’s standard of “fair” is noble and good, but it’s not a high enough standard for those of us who have decided to radically follow Christ’s teachings and example.
We are instructed to make a choice to love, in a way that is sacrificial, hard, and DEFINITELY NOT FAIR.
Let’s see….
Love your neighbor
“Who is my neighbor?” The man asked Jesus. Jesus replies with the story of the “Good Samaritan” (a people group that was hated by the Jews!), and how that man cared for and PAID FOR the Jewish man who was beaten and robbed.
Love your enemies
Come on! NOT FAIR!
Do good to those who hate you
Bless those who curse you
Pray for those who abuse you
Repay no one evil for evil
Never avenge yourselves
NOT FAIR! Think of the conflict that would be halted in this world if people decided to not avenge themselves.
God is unfair
God shows us the ultimate example by doing the most UNFAIR thing, and something that sets Christianity apart from every other religion in history. “While we were still weak, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly.” Paul writes to the church in Rome. Weak! Ungodly!
“While we were enemies we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son.” Enemies!
And we’re so grateful for it. And we’re called to live this way to others.
I like how Paul says, “at the right time.” When is the right time to show radical love (instead of fairness), to someone who doesn’t deserve it? The time is before they get their act together. Before they deserve it.
Darrell says
I understand what you’re saying, but then again when I was on drugs, instead of showing me love I was hated, talked about, put down by everyone, if only someone could’ve shown me love during my hard times instead of telling me I’m no good and talk about me behind my back, sometimes helping and sticking with someone will help overcome your demons and help you thru to see God. This finally happened to me, my daughter come to me when I was in the hospital, dying from the usage of Xanax, which was prescribed by doctor, my daughter cried time, said ” Dad please fight this drug off, you’re very strong, besides, I need you! What am I gonna do without you! I don’t know what to do without you, my mom left us with you and you’re all I have to help me thru life cause I don’t know what to do! I need you daddy!”, this broke my heart so bad, I cried for her so hard. I have been clean from Xanax since that day ten year’s ago. Me and my daughter are close, my parents have forgiven me, my son has forgiven me, now I have to accept God unconditionally, I feel this is my chance to redeem myself, he has given me this opportunity to better myself for him, and live to tell my story of how Jesus saved me from my sins, thank you God, please give me your strength,