Something I’m learning: Everything in ministry, in business, and I think anywhere we are trying to be effective in our efforts, the absolute number one thing to focus on is people. To grow, we need workers.
We’re working to build up the children’s teaching program at our church in Muscatine, Iowa. What we need are more workers. The vision is there, the plan is there, the kids are ready, but to grow, we need more workers.
In my web design agency, we have several rock solid members of our team that keep us going through thick and thin — they are the absolute key to the company’s success. Good workers. We’ve struggled to find others who fit our DNA and can help us grow. If you look at our balance sheet you can see the story of good employees or bad employees play out over time. To grow, we need more workers.
My wife and I started a house church meeting in our home several years ago. We saw God touch people’s lives in a powerful way during that time, but the group eventually wound down, primarily because we didn’t have enough of a leadership team built. To grow, we needed more workers.
Our rental property business is going well, but we’re having a hard time finding a handyman to help with the upkeep. Good service providers are tough to find, everyone agrees. To grow, we need more workers.
Workers Are the Key
When I realize this, it really hits home what Jesus said, recorded in Luke 10:2.
The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.
What Jesus Doesn’t Say
My father helped me see something interesting about this verse. Jesus doesn’t say to pray for the harvest to happen. He doesn’t say to pray for the people in the harvest. He doesn’t say to pray that people’s hearts would be turned to God and that they would embrace Him.
Those people are already ready.
The thing that’s missing, is workers.
For God to partner us up with workers who are ready, willing, and capable, is our only hope hope if we’re going to make progress.
And for leaders to be effective, we have to understand that people are the key. Not knowledge, not plans, not resources. The team. The people.
Jack Ma, who built a massive tech company and is one of the world’s richest people, is famous for his focus on people. He says, “I know nothing about technology, I know nothing about marketing, I know nothing about (the legal) stuff. I only know about people.” (Source)
So, Leaders, Try This
Prioritize people.
Make plans, but remember that the plan isn’t the key. The people are the key.
Recruit workers, but remember that it is God who commissions them for service.
Above all, earnestly pray for God to send workers!
God, send workers!
Article photo by Sandis Helvigs.
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