When you’re looking to involve younger leaders (or newer leaders of any age) in your church, there are a few things that come to mind today that are really helpful!

Freedom to make changes
You won’t like all of them, and that is kind of the point. You’re not looking for a clone, you’re looking for a leader.
Visible support and deference
Make sure people know that you’re supportive of them even if their style or choices are different from yours.
Freedom to make mistakes
This one is hard but necessary. The way you respond when young leaders make mistakes is part of what defines you as a leader. Are you leader who leans towards encouragement or criticism? I think about this in terms of how I think about God. There are two ways people approach God, I’ve learned:
- “I made a mistake, my Dad is going to kill me!”
- “I made a mistake, I need to go tell my Dad, he can help me!”
Leaders who want to build up younger people into leadership roles need to choose option two ☝️
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