For any Christian, there is really nothing like visiting Israel. It’s an experience you’ll never forget.

After living in Israel about 20 years ago, I’ve really enjoyed taking small groups back to visit.
It’s not a money-making thing for me, it’s just something I keep feeling like I should continue doing (and it’s a ton of fun).
I’ve led three groups in recent years.
We’re going again in March 2022 and have some seats available, if you or anyone you know is interested, let me know!
The Israeli tour company we work with is called Twins Tours and it’s operated by two brothers who are Spirit-filled and dedicated followers of Christ.
They understand my vision for these tours which is that we want to experience what life is like now in Israel as well as to see the historical sites.
To that end we make a special effort to introduce you to locals, both Jewish and Israeli Arabs. You’ll meet some of my friends and visit the church I attended when I lived close to Nazareth.
The trip always fills up so let me know soon if you’re interested!
Join us!
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